September 28, 2003

28 Days Later

This is one FREAKING SCARY MOVIE!! I actually yelped out (high pitched too) in the filled but silent cinema when the infected boy leapt down from the ceiling in the abandoned cheeseburger joint. It was sooo paiseh ..... but then the whole movie really managed to achieve that effect of total spookiness and insecurities. I was damn freaked out.

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Luxury of Solitude
Music: David Tao - Ai Heng Jian Dan

It's Saturday night .. and I am at home ... not out at Tabs or Water Bar ... HE is at Velvet at the moment (with his frens) but I just don't feel like doing anything tonight. It seems like such a luxury to be able to have time to yourself, in the middle of the night, finally stillness in the air so quiet that you can finally hear yourself breathing (and your heart's confessions) ...

I don't need no clubs and handbag music to have fun.

I don't need no booze and chain-smoking to feel good about myself

And I certainly don't need those sex-starved gay men to make me feel desired and attractive. Or maybe I do (or I did) .. Anyhow, I think they irritate the sheet out of me (for tonight at least)

Tonight is for me .... a brief hiatus to recuperate and to find the real me, to connect with my inner self.

To prepare myself for the coming onslaught ...

September 26, 2003

I Wanna be a Supermodel
Music: Stacie Orrico - There's gotta be more to life

It was a 2 WHOLE DAY shoot .... and I was the lead (naturally) LOL ... anyway I had SOOO much fun cos everyone (i meant everyone; the makeup girl, wardrobe guys, first/second director, lighting and sound set) was making so much fuss of me. Felt totally pampered as hell ...there were times when I felt guilty too.

Like when they were sheltering me from rain, while they soak ... that was totally wrong but apparently I had to be perfect for the shot. Same thing when the sun appears, "Cannot let u change colour, if not how to continue shooting?" ...

I was 'touched up' every 10 mins or so .. together with the ubiquitous "Are you ok? Need a drink?" ..I mean it ..EVERY 10 MINS!!!!!! The attention was overwhelming to say the least...

BUT it was great .. the director himself paid me dues for my efforts while the people from the production company thinks quite a bit of me too. The advertising company thought i was a good choice (well they did choose me from like hundreds of applicants ....) and so I would be back for another one.

Wanna know which ad I was in? Here's a hint .. Allan Wu used to be in it.

September 22, 2003

Indecent Proposal
Music: Beyonce - Baby Boy

This is not something new. Have seen this kind of behaviours in Singapore's toilet since I was like ..what 12? But wat is new is that it is only finally getting attention in a national paper, the Straits Times. (article)

September 21, 2003

Socratic Dialogue
Music: Karen Mok - Ai (Love)

hell yeah ..been so busy .. with what I do not know. Hmm did a shoot on Saturday ... 27 takes .. not easy but money is good.

Hmm moving on to more serious matters .... I kinda like him but at the same time it irritates me that he is so pushy and demanding a little kid who whines and baulks to get what he wants. I find myself giving in to him ALL the time, to go over to YET ANOTHER party after the other after-hour, to have yet another drink, to stay longer, to see each other more. This, that and many other more.

I am scared.

Our differences, our way of life ... I can't see us being together in a relationship for long.

But yet .....

September 19, 2003

September 8, 2003

Vanity Fair
Music: Tanya Chua - Mo Sheng Ren (Stranger)

to take the test.

September 2, 2003

My Latest Obsession - Tui Teerapat

What is it with these Thai guys ... sigh so hunky yet cute at the same time. Smitten by that smile ...

September 1, 2003

Something comes along ...

Boy am I glad I decided to go ahead with the show, which is also the final bash for Singapore Fashion Week 03. It was quite fun, albeit totally wacked and hilarious fashion. The theme is "Toy Us" ..hence the psychedelic (bordering on childish graffitti) stage decors and recurring personalities associated with schoolkids such as the drag-queen flaming teacher and school boys.

I was told to be there by 2pm even though the show only starts at 10:30... for those uninitiated, YES, it really does take that long a time to organise everything; the choreography, the costume, the makeup and hair et cetera. Met quite a few good lookers, some of them snobbish though. There was the 14yo Chinese girl from Elite, 1.85m and stick-thin, very androgynous. Her colleague from the same agency, is a 17yo guy of Aussie and Japanese ancestry; shorter than me but extremely unique look (kinda Devon Aoki). He already has 2 huge tattoos and a nipple ring, while his tshirt says "GAVE IT" ...hmmmm I wonder. Then, there is this farken huge and butch guy who was busy chasing all the girl models. There is alot of female models from Germany and France, but only a few of Caucasian male models. Apparently, they are quite the passe now. One of my highlight was having dinner with a table full of these models including Gerald Wong himself hehe.

Zouk was already packed by 10 and I was quite nervous. But anyhow, the whole sequence seems to happen so fast I didnt even notice. It was fun though. It could be all the vodka mix and JUGS of long island they were feeding us the whole day ( since 2pm mind you) and even though I usually don't drink alcohol in that quantity, I had to that day because apparently its more troublesome for them to serve water. Anyhow, the organisers were later reprimanded because the models ended up looking so flushed they looked like they overdid their blusher.

Anyhow, it was a great experience plus I got paid, got free drinks and best of all, a free membership to ZOUK!!!! Ahuh, people have to be put on waiting lists to get one of this babies (unless u are SIA cabin crew or have other connections I think).

Partied the whole night at ZOUK with TT at the AJ corner, while he fuels up with the free drinks coupons I was given. Met KT again ... I swear that is how small the island is.

Saturday night, got invited to a pre-party at 'someone's" place with like 20 or so muscle-bois. I swear taht is ONE SCENE I do not wanna get involved in!! Left for WaterBar to meet up with TT ... ahummm more free drinks there LOL. Decided to check out ZOUK again where Terry Francis from London is spinning. This guy we met got me and TT in for free again, and yeah free drinx again hehe. The music was soo fab tho ... but too many late nights ... ageing ageing ... must preserve must conserve .... 3 people already thinks I am 25 yo sigh.